
WHY 11.11.11 IS A BIG DEAL!

Are you wondering what all the hoopla is about for the date 11.11.11?  Other than the fact that it is Penelope's second birthday?  :)  

It is an auspicious day to say the least.

According to Numerology, 11 is a Master Number, representing the fulfillment of the soul's striving and mastery of a type rarely seen on earth.  It reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine.

According to Yogi Bahn, it is also the day the Age of Aquarian begins.  You know, the age people started talking and singing in the 60's.  Well, it will be here soon.  Just fyi, the Age of Aquarius is also know as the Age of Information, when information is available to all, in turn aiding in healing and transformation. 

11.11.11 is an opportunity to really feel the Divine Spirit alive within you and in your life.  An opportunity to connect to it more easily.  There will be a massive influx of Light on this day, and many people will be meditating and doing yoga simultaneously.

I am pretty excited about it!

If you would like to participate, here are some websites that are doing global meditations:

One Breath, One World

Era Of Peace from 11:00-11:11a

If you are local, Abundance Wellness Center will be hosting some free yoga classes as a way to celebrate.

Here are some ideas about how to make your day more special, sacred and connect to this energy and light:

1. Meditate or go to a Yoga class.  If you have never meditated before, try this one.  Super easy.  If Meditating is not your thing, go to church and spend some time in prayer.

2.  Be mindful as you go about your day. Note every action and thought, try not to be on auto-pilot.

3.  Be self reflective.  Look back over the last couple of months or even the past year.  Think about the times you were your Best Self and the times you were not your Best Self.

4.  Make an intention to connect deeper with Divine/Spirit and your Authentic Self (the REAL you, beneath all your fake social masks that you have built up over your life, to help you cope with trauma from your childhood or from any period in your life). 

5. Make an intention to have all your actions come from the Light of God/Universe.  I think the term "What Would Jesus Do?" is so lame and misrepresented (but stemmed from a good place), but maybe come up with your own Heart's Question/Deepest Question.  

I hope you all have a wonderful Spirit-filled day on 11.11.11!! I am so looking forward to spending this day with my daughter as we celebrate her birthday, I am not sure what we are going to do, but it will be a day filled with Love and Light.

What are your plans/intentions?

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